Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tide Race paddling

For many of you including myself, paddling in currents or tide races is a very intriguing prospect. The water is racing by you, white water and waves are all around, and then you look at shore only to realize you are dead still in relation to the rocks around you. There are few things in the sport of kayaking that can compare with the feeling of flying on the water without really moving forward a inch. I found a great article written by my friend Paul Kuthe. He gives some great advice about how to train and safely paddle tide races. Like Paul we do all our education in the safe predictable environment of the River. Feel free to email me for upcoming river paddles that you can join in on. Check out his article and let me know what you think.

Here is a link to a video of me Surfing my Sterling Illusion on the American River.


  1. Fantastic video!!! We don't get much in the way of tidal races here in Australia but I love your videos! Thanks for sharing. Cheers - FP

  2. I agree with FP, this looks great fun. I'm too far away to come on a trip with you, so keep posting these great videos. Tess
